Wednesday 31 July 2013

The Hunger Games trilogy

Why do I get obsessed with things so easily?

So I done it! I have finished reading The Hunger Games, and I must say it resulted in a lack of sleep to not being able to put the books down!!


How did I first hear about the trilogy?

I must admit, I had never heard of the books until I saw the film. I hadn't intended to read the books but I saw videos on You Tube of people saying how amazing the books are, and how they are a must read, so I added the books to my reading list. Next thing I know, I am obsessed with The Hunger Games and can't wait for the films to come out.

Short Description of the book

The booked is based in a time where a Capitol and the Government rules 12 districts that each have a role in running the Capitol for example mining coal, fishing, and farming. Most of the Districts battle starvation and basic day to day life. You meet Katniss Everdeen a girl who has an excellent shot and has had to take care of her family since the age of 12 due to her fathers death. The Capitol holds an event each year called 'The Hunger Games' where a boy and a girl are randomly selected to battle till death until one victor remains, this reminds the districts not to rebel against the Government. You read how Katniss Volunteers to replace her 12 year old sister was chosen to take part in the games. The books follow Katniss falling in and out of love, constantly fighting death, suffering mentall and somehow becoming the face of the rebellion. 

Would I recommend these books?

That isn't even a question! Of course I would! The books are written very cleverly I could never predict what was going to happen. My attention was constantly caught! I love how the book is about fighting death and love all at the same time. It is amazing! If you are still unsure about reading the books I recommend you watch the film first, so then you can see if you are interested. If you have already watched the film then go and read these books now! The third book was so amazing I read it within two days. AMAZING.

Rating out of 10

Isn't it obvious 10!! So amazing

Thank you 


(from pinterest)

Friday 26 July 2013



Haven't Blogged in a while Have i?

I wish I could write some amazing story in which I was fighting alien monsters and saving the world, however that would be a lie. The real reason I haven't be blogging is only myself to blame. Since writing on here and deciding I would do often book reviews it has left me reading a lot. 

I enjoy books however if I really enjoy one, there is nothing that will stop me reading it. So recently I have finished the Harry Potter series which resulted in me reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in 3 days and staying up until 3:04am to finish it as I couldn't stop. 

Then I started the hunger games trilogy I have finished The Hunger Games and am now reading Catching Fire.


- I'll probably do a book review on The Hunger games after I have finished all 3 books, which won't be long as I am obsessed
- I have a party tonight so will probably post about that with some pictures, I'm sure I'll do something stupid to write about
- I am also going bridesmaid shopping tomorrow so will probably write how stressful that is.

I've also being doing a bit of organisation. SO DO NOT WORRY. I haven't forgotten about this blog. 

I've just realised I haven't even told you that I am going to be a bridesmaid, so that will probably be in a blog post too.

So goodbye, see you soon with either a book review or a 'George actually left her house' blog post.

Thank you

George, who is going to read.

(from pinterest)

Thursday 18 July 2013

Book Review - The Help

The Help

How did I first hear about this book?

My mum was reading the book and when she was talking about it I knew it was the kind of book I would love to read.  I really love history and because it set back when Racism was huge in America I knew it was a must read. I think it was recommended to my mum from Amazon as she had bought books like it before. Anyway, once my mum had finished with it I quickly went to her room, got the book and started reading.

Short description of the book:

The book is set, like I said when racism was big in South America and black people only had relatively simple jobs and were separated from the white people of the state. The book focuses on 3 people who each tell their side of the story, they are Aibleen a maid who's son was killed and has a lot of respect in the coloured community, Ms. Skeeter a white, upper class woman looking for her maid who left abruptly and Minnie a maid who is beaten by her husband. It follows the story of how Ms. Skeeter a non racist, upper class white woman who decides to write a book telling true stories of different maids in Jacksonville to show the nation how maids have seen more and done more than most people. The book explores many topics including love, opportunities, hate, class, humour, race and how people can all be together as one.

Would I recommend this book?

YES 100%. I believe you should read the book before watching the film adaptation, however the film does stick closely to the book. I finished this book within a week because it was so good! and when I found out it was being made into a film I got excited. I laughed, cried, gasped and smiled when reading this book. It really is one to read. I recommend it to anyone who is hunting for a new book to read. GO, GO AND GET THIS BOOK

Rating out of 10:

10/10, I think you understand how much I love it by now.

Thank you


(found on pinterest)

If you are interested in getting the book click here

Writing block

Writing Block

Do you have to blog post everyday?

I am currently getting stuck on what I should blog post about, it is hard to decide. I get ideas however I am not sure if these ideas are good, or if they are worth a Blog Post about. 

So it got me thinking (be careful I know) that I am going to post every other day, this way I get the chance to think of new ideas and it means I don't have to stay up late every night writing a blog post about something that is irrelevant. However I did promise a book review this week and that will definitely happen.

It is also hard to blog in this lovely weather we are having at the moment in the UK. We never usually have such wonderful weather for this long so I am taking full advantage (kind of) and sitting inside with my laptop isn't really taking advantage.

If you here in the UK I hope you too are enjoying the sun!

Thank you

George, who is going to read Harry Potter in the garden!

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Reading away the summer

Reading the summer away

Don't you hate it when you finish a book and you have to return to the real world?

I love to read, however I'm crap at it. I can read but unless a book is extremely good then I won't read it. If the first couple of chapters aren't very good or don't make me want to read  on then I just stop, even if the reviews are outstanding.

When I read a really good book I get so involved. I barely put it down. I cry, laugh, smile, gasp and feel most emotions the character feels and then when I reach the end of the book I am left wondering what normal life is like as I've forgotten or what the characters will be doing like they are normal people.

So I've decided I'm going to read a lot this summer and use my blog as a reason to read as I am going to review a book at least once a month-ish. 

At the moment I am reading Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince (obviously I have already read the first five books and seen the films) however, I don't think I'll review Harry Potter as everyone knows how BRILLIANT it is in the first place. But this may change.

So I thought I would do a quick list of the books I am wanting to read so you can look out for the reviews if you are interested:
- The Hunger Games trilogy
- How to kill a mocking bird
- The Host

However as you can see, the list isn't that big so if you have any reading recommendations then please comment them below! So I can search into them to see if they appeal to me!

Tomorrow I will be doing my first book review on The Help, I read this book ages ago and then re-read it when it was made into the film. Lets say for now, I LOVE IT.

Thank you 

George, who is going to continue reading Harry Potter. EXPECTO POTRONUM.

Monday 15 July 2013

Deciding what to do at 16

Deciding what to do at 16

Why is it so hard to choose what do with your life?

I've never really known what I want to be when I'm older. I mean, I've had ideas, loads of them but they change all the time. I've wanted to be a ballerina, princess, Gardner  vet, nurse, receptionist, hair dresser and at the moment, well I thought I wanted to be a teacher?

I change my mind all the time, but then since year 8 I've thought being a teacher was a good idea and because this ides lasted for three years I presumed I had finally decided what I want to do, but I am now unsure. 

I thought wanting to be a teacher was it, nothing else but now I realise there are so many different teaching jobs. Like what subject you teach, what age you teach, what environment you teach and what kind of people you teach. There are so many things to think about at the tender age of 16.

College is going to happen soon and I'm still not 100% sure on what I should choose to take there, I did choose A Levels which were Chemistry, History, Sociology and Psychology. But I now find myself doubting these choices. What I choose will get me into university which then means it will kind make my future, which is a big decision for a 16 year old who can barely decide what cereal to have in the morning.

So how do I decide? It is a big decision, Or am I just thinking to much in to it? I know I'm not the first to go college but I seem to be the only one out of my friends who has no idea what to do. There are so many job options out there now, its hard to chose one, as I know I can and its highly likely I'll change my mind.

My family say "Do what you want to do, not by what others say"
Friends say "I've heard that's hard/boring" or "Do this like me" or "That sounds crap"
Teachers say "Do what you want, however you will be wasted on a BTEC course so do A Levels"

They try to help, but there help doesn't help. My sisters never had this problem, they knew what they wanted so didn't even think twice, so why am I thinking so much about it? 

I'm only 16 and yet I am deciding things that will effect what I do for the rest of my life. However, I know no one is expecting me to know everything, but I feel like I should have some kind of plan to stick by or something to fall back on.

Please tell me if anyone else is having huge doubts like this at my age, or did have?

Thank you

George, who is stressing about future life and what it may bring.


Blog Lovin

Blog Lovin

Is it only me that found starting a blog hard?

So, I'm finding it hard to get my blog to have followers? Yes, I've only had it for a week but still. I manage to get page views but not subscribers or followers. 

So I made a 'Blog Lovin' account. I read this will help get your blog to have more views, which could potentially mean someone could read my blog and actually like it to subscribe!

I am not giving up on this blog, I am determined to write a lot and hopefully one day have a follower on here, even if it is one. It will be worth it!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

I'm also looking into re-designing my blog and looking into knew things to post about.

Thank you,


Saturday 13 July 2013

Fashion Find

Fashion Find

Do you like affordable fashion bags?

Oh my days, so I saw this website advertised in Look magazine and I thought I would give it a cheeky look as I LOVE BAGS. I am literally dribbling at the screen as it is so nice and decided I must share it with you.

This shop takes catwalk bags and makes lookalike affordable, but they aren't wannabes, there isn't a bag that is more than £20!!!! BARGAIN! This is literally one of the best wesbsites ever, however I can't say if it has good delivery or if the bags are good quality as I haven't got one YET, but GO LOOK, what's to lose? - your money on an amazing, affordable bag.

 Thank you,

George, who is now going to have to choose a bag.

I love where I live

I love where I live

Do you live in the middle of nowhere?

I don't live in the middle of nowhere as I live in a small town that is surrounded by fields and isn't exactly well known, if I gave you the name of the town you wouldn't have a clue where it is. It has about 5,000 people living in it, so its not to bad. But I love it here. Where I live is known to be a naturally beautiful place in the UK and my town is known as 'The gate way to exmoor' I live in Devon.

Whenever I go on my twitter timeline I often see 'eugh, hate where I live' or 'hate this town' or 'Can't wait to leave this shitty town' and just to let you know, it REALLY annoys me. The people who write this stuff are usually the people who have had an argument with their friend, or they hang around with the wrong people who spread stuff about them, so its not the town or where we live that is horrible, it's your friends; so stop blaming the town.

I admit crap things have happened in town, and when I say crap, I mean bad, kind of ruined its reputation. I must also admit that, some of the crap things that have happened in this town have effected me, as in, they are to do with my family. However, I can look past this so why can't they?

I also realise that it isn't like it used to be. For example when I was younger, I would go up town and pretty much say  'hello' to everyone as I knew them or, they knew my family. Which was lovely, its gave you a sense of security, but now? I rarely recognise anyone due to the fact new people from all of the country have moved here, or the fact people aren't as cheery as they used to be. 

But things I love about where I live, the fact if its a hot day I can walk to a rive in under 30 mins, or drive to the beach in under an hour, we have walks of natural beauty which is wonderful, we have old traditions like our 'Olde Enlgish Fayre' Another thing, that makes me realise I live in a wonderful place is the fact people come here on holiday, so I must live somewhere good if people travel here for fun? For example today at the beach we met people from North Kent.

So, to the people who moan about where they live, associate yourself with different people, go to different places in the area, be polite to the other people in the town and CREATE A GOOD NAME FOR YOURSELF.

Thank you

George, who is going to carry on enjoying the joys of Devon.

Friday 12 July 2013

Monsters University Review!

Monster University Review

Do you cry when Boo has to go home in Monsters inc?

So, today has been a day where I have left my house and ventured into the sun to socialise. And watch a film. Yes, I did go and watch a film in today's weather but it was the first showing of Monsters University and I am a massive fan of Monsters Inc, so it was a must for me to go and watch it. 

The cinema had the air con on anyway so it was much cooler for me and I wasn't burning in there so it was good for my health. Anyway...

IT WAS SOOOO GOOD. I am 16 and love cartoon, Disney, comedy films, the last 3 films I've seen have been cartoons those being Epic, Despicable me 2 and Monsters University. However as a child I have loved Monsters Inc, I was 4 or 5 when it first came out, so it was right up my street. I remember when Boo had to go home I cried, so whenever I watched the film again I would go 'toilet' or 'get a drink' when that part of the film was on, so I wouldn't have to cry in front of my family. Hahaha, pathetic I know.

So when I heard this film was coming out being excited is a little bit of an understatement. So off I trotted to see it today and it wasn't a disappointment!

It kind of makes the first film better, somehow as know you understand Mike and Sully's relationship a lot more and OH MY GOD ITS AMAZING. I would recommend anyone to see it, so what if you are 5, 15, 25, 35, or 85 GOOOO. As it is set before the first film you don't even have to have seen the first film to understand it.

I would give this film 5 stars


Thank you 

George, who is going to fan girl over Monsters Inc for a bit.

P.S I GOT MY BLOG-PAD TODAY! I feel this blog is a bit crap, however I am currently fan girling and getting excited about how good it was. Apologies.

If you are interest into the film here is the trailer : Monsters University Trailer

Thursday 11 July 2013

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday... to my blog, made one week ago tomorrow.

Do you celebrate your blogs birthday?

So, I didn't post yesterday and that's because I'm un-organised. I come up with ideas on what to blog about, then I forget them, so that means I am stuck as I don't know what to blog. So, starting from tomorrow my blog is going to be ordered. Tomorrow I am heading into town, so I am going to get a blog-pad (just made that up myself pretty pleased with myself to be honest) A blog-pad is a notepad where write lists of blog ideas, what I can review, what I can complain about, what events I attend to blog about. A blog-pad is probably a very basic thing for a blogger so I presume I should get one. I am also going to blog at least once a day however, because it is my longest summer holidays EVER. I will be busy some days so won't be able to, however if it is actually something really interesting then I will blog about it the day after.


I apologise for the short blog post but when i get my blog pad this will never happen again!

Thank you

George, who is feeling organised

Tuesday 9 July 2013

I can't save money

I can't save money

I like it and have the money for it so I must buy it, right?

I know I'm only 16 but money is still a problem for a 16 year old, however it just isn't as big as  a problem as it is for an adult. But I'm not on about my issues with debt or how I have to pay bills as luckily I don't have to do that yet, but what I am on about is not being able to save money. ever. 

I work two jobs so not having my own money isn't a problem, but the problem is making my money last one month with out blowing it in the first 2 days of receiving my pay. When my pay day is coming I always look in my bank to see if I've been paid early and if I haven't I will go on to online shops and add clothes, beauty items, stuff to decorate my bedroom, stationary etc, to my baskets ready for when I get paid so i can buy it!

The worst thing is I know I should be keeping at least some of my wages back as I may meet up with friends, go for a meal, or just in case I need to buy something quickly; so, because I know I should be saving I make up excuses and reasons in my head to why I should buy the items for example the other day I was on paperchase looking for a scrapbook which I needed, however while I was looking I saw a pencil case that was in the sale so I thought 'Oh, this is a desk pencil case and my desk doesn't have a pencil case so I should probably get it'  I do this all the time, another time i had a party coming up so i was looking for a skirt and I ended up buying two skirts, two pairs of shoes and top and my reason was 'What if I have another party that I didn't know about and it was really late notice, so I should probably get something else as well' 

It isn't good, I turn 17 in December and am wanting to buy a car so I set up a  'SAVE FOR A CAR PLAN' that was supposed to kick start with my June Wage packets, but obviously that didn't work so I have told myself that all is fine and I can start this month. WHY IS SAVING MONEY SO HARD? 

Some people only save money, like their parents won't allow them to spend their own money even if they are working they have to save it. And if they need money then their parents will give it to them from their working money not their child's. Although this is good because when they are older they will have a nice lump of money sat in their bank I also believe this is bad. How will they learn to save and manage money if they have never had to do it before? Although I moan that I spend money I think its a good learning curve. I'm learning that I need to budget things, save things back for emergencies and spend a little this way when I'm older and have a full time job with bills to pay, I will have a small idea of what it is like to save, and sort out where my money goes.

So maybe being crap at saving isn't to bad, after all I'm only 16 and I should be spending money. I AM YOUNG. I shouldn't be worrying about my future money problems I might be facing. I should be taking advantage of the fact I'm luck I have a job and 12 weeks of doing nothing to spend my money on. 

Thank you

George, who is feeling young, free and skint. But a good skint.

Monday 8 July 2013

Olly Murs live performance review!

Olly Murs Live Performance Review

How do I become Mrs Murs?

So yesterday I went and saw Olly Murs live in Exeter, and oh my god. I think I'm in love. I've heard from friends that have been and saw him on previous occasions saying how good he was but he was unbelievable! His communication with the crowd was so amazing and his singing just topped it off. He is very capable of singing live and was extremely good! 

As it was incredibly hot here in the UK yesterday, he kept apologising for his sweaty top but by the end with a little help with the crowds 'OFF OFF OFF OFF' chants and his cheeky strip teases his top was off which just his waistcoat on which made the festival get that little bit hotter ;). He done impressions of Gary Barlow and Louis Walsh, sung songs and explained his love for them, he got the crowd to sing Happy Birthday to one of his band members, he done a summer remix of old dance classic that he has covered, he taught us dance moves, demanded us to sing and just made sure we all had a lovely time from the front to the back!

As me and my eldest sister took my 8 year old brother (It was his first concert and he is still talking about how amazing it was now!!) We couldn't get right in with the crowd as it was too hot and he's only 8 so wouldn't be able to see very much, however we did move much closer after the picture above was taken!

Joy Ride, Charlie Brown, Diana Vickers and Lawson were the special guests. Charlie Brown and Lawson were incredibly good live and I would definitely go see them both on their own tour. As I had never heard of Joy Ride I will have to do some more research into their music to see if I like them or not. And for Diana Vickers, well she isn't my cup of tea, don't get me wrong she is good live, but I just don't like her music and that's just my taste other people may love her and good for them!

However I'm going to say it again Olly Murs was just amazing, he is definitely the best person I've ever seen live just because his singing was amazing but his joking, flirting, dancing and getting the audience involved was also so amazing!! This may sound like something an old lady would say, but you could really see that he appreciated everyone who came and saw him and the fact we were such a loud crowd, he kept saying thank you to us and saying how amazing we was; it shows that his fame and fortune hasn't gone to his head and he is still in awe of the career and opportunity he's got and doesn't take it for granted. I think this is important. THANK YOU OLLY MURS


Bad things:

- Traffic was a nightmare, but then again it was a festival with 20,000 people. It was going to be quick was it?
- I forgot my camera and my phone ran out of charge so no pictures were taken apart from the one above. When no one was even on the stage and we had just arrived and everyone was just sun bathing waiting to start.

Good things:

- Olly Murs singing
- Olly Murs dancing
- Olly Murs top off
- Olly Murs flirting with the audience
- Olly Murs getting everyone involved
- Olly Murs just being himself

Thank you

George, who is still fan girling over Olly Murs

Saturday 6 July 2013

Quotes are just inspiring

Quotes are just inspiring

Don't quotes just make you feel good?

I am a person who loves to get obsessed with things, it could be a television programme or a type of food I will love it and love it until I'm bored or found something more interesting. However, this obsession has always been with me and I don't think it will ever leave, its Quotes of course! 

They don't have to be from famous people or about certain things, but I just love a good quote. Quotations just have this feel good factor about them, they encourage you to do things or make you realise you're not alone in problem you may be facing. My bedroom is currently near the end of being decorated and it is slowly but surely being covered with quotes! 


So, I have decided to make a few rules, at the end of ANY blog post I make I have to post a picture of a quote that I love. However, as I'm planning on posting a lot on this blog I'll need YOUR help. Please, if you are sat there reading this, then post a comment of your favourite quote and lets share our quotes. Together we will be the quote masters!

Thank you

George, who is feeling inspired!

( If you would like to see where i get my quote pictures from then i pin them all on my pinterest account on my 'Artwork and Quotes' bored, feel free to have a look!


Judged by your music taste

Judged by your music taste

Everyone cries at the song 'my heart will go on' Don't they?

Everyone likes a good piece of music, if its Beethoven to Muse, or Adele to Barbie. We all like a good track to put us in a good mood or if we are sad and depressed a song which will reassure everyone how we are feeling. There is so much music these days and so many ways new, up and coming musicians can be found its pretty obvious different people will like different music. However with all these different genres being out there, it annoys me how people feel they have the right to judge people just cause they don't like a certain band or do like a certain solo artist. It also annoys me how people think if you like rock then there is no way you could ever enjoy a popular pop song as you music genre has to be rock and only rock.

I admit and am proud to say i have a very wide range of music that i like. I was brought up with my mum playing Duran Duran, Boney M, The Scissor Sister and Robbie Williams, then i had my dad playing Stray Cats, Elvis, Jonny Cash, Imelda May and Buddy Holly, then i had my two older sisters who would be obsessed over Five, Spice Girls, Back Street boys and S club. So by the age of 10 i knew the words to Rockabilly hits, 80's classics and new pop music.     So adding all this together, its pretty clear I'm going to have a wide range of music, but obviously there is the musicians that i love, that make up my own little taste. However, i do understand that some of the songs in my iTunes account could be seen as appalling.

I am also all for finding new music, every year there is a  festival (Gold Coast Ocean Fest Croyde, linked below) less than an hours drive away, where there will be big headliner act but before hand there will be loads of new up and coming stars. I really enjoy going home and downloading artists EP's and loving them (At the moment I am obsessed with Ryan Keen and Saint Raymond  feel free to check them out!) 

So with me liking all sorts of music i don't understand how one individual feel they can judge your music taste just because they don't like it? Everyone has different tastes, that's what makes the world so brilliant. No two people are exactly the same in what they like, dislike, believe in and look like. Why would you even want to be the same as everyone else? Some people will like Blink 182, others will enjoy One Directions. Some will love Justin Bieber other will prefer Kenny Rogers. No one has the correct music taste because we are different. DIFFERENCE IS GOOD. IN FACT IT IS AMAZING. DON'T BE SCARED TO BE DIFFERENT!

Thank you

George, who is not going to stop this rant.

By the way, if you're interested in the festival, its a sports, surfin,g musical festival in June of every year i highly recommend it. New music, food, surfing, well known music and friends! What's not to love?
 Go on, check it out.


If you have any of your own new music recommendations please comment them below for me to research and listen too!!!

Friday 5 July 2013

Leaving School

Leaving School

Everyone loves school, don't they?

cough*geek/nerd/teachers pet/boff/dork/suck up*cough. Please feel free to call me these names, as i am not offended. I am also not ashamed to say 


It's true, I'm the girl who enjoys going to school and hated leaving. Whats not to like about school? Many people say, i only like school because i get to see my friends, I also enjoyed that too, but I like to learn, learning knew things is inspiring it opens your mind to knew things and allows you to explore anything and everything. I wouldn't be sat here, in my bedroom writing this if i didn't learn. 

I am lucky in the fact i went to a fantastic school, well i think it was anyway. My school was a state school with around 600 students (yes, it was a very small school. You could say i live in the middle of no where, but i don't) My school had great teachers that all inspired me, yes there was a few i didn't like, but you won't get along with everyone in your life will you. As my school was small teachers soon learn about you and you learn about them, they get to know your personality which allows you to know them too. I saw my teachers as role models, they have supported me a lot through different things in my life, so when it came to year 11 where i have to leave school to go to college you can only imagine what it was like.

First I should say I'm a cry baby, i cry at the majority of things if it is a little sad. So yes, i did cry on my last day of school. At my school we have a 'Muck up Day' this is where we sign each others shirts, have water pistols, stink bombs and try and wreck the school. However, teachers soon catch on and take away anything they see, but its still fun!!! We then have a BBQ, and the whole year group is in the hall with teachers. 

(Katie and Me, a life long friend at Muck Up Day)

Then, a couple weeks later we had Prom, which again is amazing, you get to see all your friends look BEAUTIFUL and SMART. Then you dance the night away without thinking this is the last time you'll all be together as one. Your little family you had that you've been with for five years.

(Me in my Prom dress)

Leaving school was brilliant but emotional, teachers would tell you how proud they are, too keep in contact, to not let anything stop your dreams. They give you the last piece of advice they can squeeze in before you leave their care and spread your wings to become a young adult.

And now, here i am, i left school six weeks ago and I'm writing a blog post about how much i miss everyone already and how i realise that some of my best memories will come from school. I don't think anyone should be ashamed of liking school it is a great time! But i also realise, that i'm lucky in the fact i loved school, i understand that some people aren't as fortunate as me to have such a lucky experience!

Finally i should say, i now want to be a teacher due to the fantastic teachers i had, i aim to be like them and if i can teach just a little bit brilliantly like them, then i will be proud.

Thank you

George, who is feeling rather nostalgic and not bored.

(A State School in the UK is a free government funded school in which anybody can attend)

Debating with yourself

Debating with yourself

How many times are you supposed to post a day?

I am my own worst enemy. I often debate with myself about stupid things and soon lists will come in to play with the debate. For example starting 'Georges bored' I had to make a pros and cons list to see if i should make the blog or not.

Its like two people live within you, so you have to debate everything before you get anything done. Starting something new is good and it excites one part of you, you're excited to see what it could bring to you, new people or new opportunities. BUT there is this other side that worries what people will think, worries if you'll look stupid so you have to debate the problem in question. Will you take the risk and see what it could lead to? Or do you play safe and tell yourself it wouldn't of worked out and you'll be better of with out doing it?

Change is probably one of the causes of debating with yourself. Change is always a scary thought, it means something is different to what you thought was an ordered life, with a routine and it was all so perfect. But change messes this up, it now different and you have to adapt and maybe change a small thing about your lifestyle which you liked so much.

Reading this through, I've realised that I have admitted to talking to myself on the internet to what could be millions of people. Does anyone else debate with themselves? or is it just me and i should go doctors about talking to myself. However i do believe in not caring what other people think, if you're truly happy then why should anybody else's opinion destroy that happiness you once had. 

I also realise this has got quite 'deep' to only being a second blog post, i should stop.

Thank you for reading

George, who is now debating her sanity.