Tuesday 20 August 2013

Results day

Doesn't everyone hate worrying?

So, my GCSE results day is looming, as it gets closer I get more nervous. 

I know that these results won't be the end of the world if I fail, however I am scared of failing. I know I won't pass everything and that won't matter but I am scared to fail subjects that I want to pass, the subjects the I actually really like and love. There are some subjects that I really don't care if I fail.

One the other hand there is also this part of me, where I don't care. I think how stupid it is that these exam I've taken at such a young age depend on my future, so I then rant and don't care what my results are as it doesn't matter. 

Then when I speak to my friends, they say how they lose so much sleep over them, worry about it constantly, how they are dreading it so much and its when I hear them talk about it like this, I think 'crap, why am I so relaxed compared to them?' Yes, I am nervous however why do they not realise that its not the end of the world.

I also wonder if people think my lack of worrying could be seen as being 'cocky' because if I'm not as worried as them, then surely that must mean I think I'm going to pass? - however, trust me I don't, there are some subject where I gave up e.g. art.

I do understand the worry as well though, for example some people have to get certain grades to be accepted in to college, and these grades may be a struggle for them to get, so they worry about. I was like this, but I chickened out of the subject and chose another. So maybe that's why I'm less worried, I don't need any specific grades to get into my college courses.

I must also say that I do worry a bit, however this worry is usually before I go bed where I worry about everything. I am a huge worrier and from being a worrier it also confuses me why I am not worrying LOTS about this.
This has been a weird blog post, one which I have written out of confusion and have thought writing about it may make it more clear in my head.

GOOD LUCK if you also get your GCSE results on Thursday, it'll be fine whatever the outcome.

Thank you for letting me right confusion down


(from pinterest)

Friday 9 August 2013

People at parties.

Why do some people thinking getting drunk 24/7 is cool?

So, since leaving school many people are throwing parties, I've been to two and have two more coming up. At school I never really hung around with the big friendship group there was but for some reason I still get invited to these parties which I don't mind ;)

First of all I should say the first party was the first time I've actually been drunk. However I have noticed people often change and there is always these types of people at parties who ruin it for me, and everyone else. I am a good drunk, when I realise I'm drunk, I stop drinking alcohol.


1. The people who pretend they're drunk when they've been at the party for 2 minutes 
this really annoys me!?!?! Why do you want to pretend to be drunk, there is no need its just fake, which is highly likely to represent their personality.

2. The people who think being drunk means its ok to be a slag
WHY? I don't see why people think that because they are drunk getting off with 35438943734  boys is acceptable, where has their self respect gone?

3. The people who don't take their own alcohol and rely on everyone else
I believe this is just plain rude, if you know you have to provide your own alcohol take it, god, its not hard. It's rude that they expect everyone to supply them.

4. The people who get violent for no reason
this is scary when people get angry, it really isn't nice for everyone else. I really hate it and when they get to that stage they should stop drinking but of course they don't as they know better than you

5. The people who cry
these people are hilarious! they cry over nothing and just keep moaning, these people make me laugh, because they next morning they are so embarrassed by what they said! Brilliant!

6. The non-stop dancer (this could potentially be me)
me and my friends are definitely in this group, however we are already dancing and cracking out great moves before we've even had a drop of alcohol because WE DON'T CARE! but these are the people who do all the moves from changing the light bulb to aeroplane there is not stopping them

7. The people who do drugs (NOT ME!)
yes, there is always the people who try to look hard doing drugs by smoking fags to weed, oh how I despise these people!

8. The people who care for all the above (I do this a lot)
These people make sure people are in there beds, or help them to sober up. I can't help but help people who need help.


Do you have any other types of people are parties? If so comment them below! 

(meg, katie and me, our most recent party. The not cool kids who go to parties)



(from pinterest, love this quote)

Thursday 8 August 2013

Barclays Life Skills

Why do I find it so hard to decide what job I want?

From previous blog posts you may have heard that I am crap at deciding my future, then the other day whilst watching the t.v I saw an advert for Barclays Life Skills. This advert, advertised a website which has been set up to help teen between 14 - 19 decide what they want to do in the future, help them understand working life, in some cases help them get and many other things.

This website sounded like a god to me. It sounded like everything I needed to know was is one place on the internet. So I signed up for it which I must admit was pretty easy.

The websites has its good and bad parts. I believe it will be great for people who are still at school and using it, as it gives you advice how to get a Saturday jobs and work experience, but I have 2 jobs and have done 2 weeks work experience with my school; so that doesn't apply to me. It also has options about deciding to go to college, but I've already done that too. So these early stages in the 'Work Skills' don't really effect me.

BUT the website does have a good 'Work Skill' option where you select your qualities and it gives you four jobs that require those skills, although I didn't like some of the jobs it gave me it opened up my mind to .new jobs

Another good 'Work skill' is the option that lists 50 jobs with their descriptions and skills needed, this really helped me to take into consideration other jobs that I never even thought of.

As this is a new website and scheme I understand it may change and will become better and better each day. A new 'Work Skill' that is advertised to be coming soon is 'Managing your money' which I need help with, this website can only get better and I think it will help many teens like me decided what the future can bring!

So all in all, the website is better if you are less experienced but still good and useful if you have more experience. 

So if like me, you have no idea what to do with your future, don't know what job to chose, or don't know how to write a CV then I recommend you to join this website! 


Thank you


(from pinterest)

Tuesday 6 August 2013


Aren't dreams the best thing ever?

I've always been one to dream a lot in my sleep. Some times I never remember them, other times I remember loads. However when I remember dreams they never really make a lot of sense. 

I've recently been having fairly good dreams, dreams that I wouldn't mind coming true. I am one of those people that think there are meanings behind dreams, I don't know what, but surely we must have them for a reason,or is it just 'A wish that our heart makes' like Cinderella once said? Sometimes I really do hope so...

So me being me, I decided to do some research to find some facts out about dreams as I find them fascinating.

Dream facts:

  1. You have met everyone that appears in your dream, your brain can't imagine/make up a human. So the people in your dream could be people you see everyday and know, people you met when younger and forgotten or simply someone you'v just bumped into
  2. You have 4 - 6 dreams a night, but you forget the majority of them
  3. When you dream your body is essentially paralysed, your body release neurotransmitters that shuts down your large muscle so your body doesn't move, this is called Rapid Eye Movement face (REM)
  4. You spend 6 years of your life dreaming
  5. You forget 90% of you dream once you've been awake for 10 minutes
  6. People don't dream while snoring
  7. Stephenie Meyer, author of The Twilight saga dreamt up the story and then wrote it
  8. Abraham Lincoln dreamt he saw his death, 3 days later he was assassinated. This type of dreaming is called precognitive dreaming where you see an insight to the future
  9. Tolders dream, however they don't see themselves in a dream until the age of 3
  10. Blind people dream too, if they were born blind they dream through different senses 

Well there you have it! Now, I understand many/the majority of people will find that time wasting and stupid, but I found researching about dreams very interesting!

I got these 'facts' from a multiple website off Google, I don't know if they are 100% correct, I didn't do a science experiment to check.

Thank you 


(my favourite ever quote, from pinterest)

Saturday 3 August 2013

Everything5pounds.com good or bad?

Every girl loves shoes right? - no, not me.

I'm not one who has millions of shoes for every different occasion, I have my basics then rely on my family members if I need a 'going out' pair of shoes. But recently my shoes I love so dearly have started to show age, so I went on a hunt for a new pair of shoes.

Every website I went on, all the shoes I actually liked were so expensive for just one pair! So my mum recommend I look on everything5pounds.com. I has looked on this website before and must admit, I thought some of the stuff was cheap and tacky and other stuff was just plain horrible. But as I was desperate I thought I'd give it a look and I was pleasantly surprised.

In the end I bought four pairs of shoes for £20! bargain

The first shoes I added to my basket were these brown sandals with a tassel detail. These shoes are just simple and for £5 I really didn't think they were too bad! I haven't worn the shoes out yet but around the house the are comfortable. I also really liked the packaging, it was so small and was easy to break down to put in recycling!

The next pair of shoes, were these 'Soft Suedette Fringed Moccasin Shoes' I call them Grandad shoes as they remind me of old men for some strange reason. I liked the tassels on these and again the simplicity. These shoes are very comfortable however the sole is fairly thin so could wear away easily. These shoes came in different colours but I just preferred the beige.

The next pair will be a hit and miss, I believe you'll either love them or hate them. I love them, in fact I loved them so much I bought them in both colours! These trainer type shoes have a leopard print pattern on them with a PVC out covering of black/brown. These are unbelievably cheap and comfortable! GAH, LOVELY.

Things I didn't like on the website:

-You couldn't refine your search by size, colour, style
- Postage and Packaging was £8.22, however that was royal mail first class and was delivered quickly
- The sizing of shoes was hit and miss

So all in all, I quite enjoyed my shopping experience at everything5pounds.com the postage was quick and I like all the items I have bought, BARGAIN. 

The website also sells clothes, bag and accessories however I didn't look at these items, but maybe I should!

Thank you

George, who loves a good shop.

(from pinterest)

P.S. sorry about the picture quality, my camera isn't the best as I mainly use it for concerts and parties so I don't really need/want a big expensive one.