Tuesday 9 July 2013

I can't save money

I can't save money

I like it and have the money for it so I must buy it, right?

I know I'm only 16 but money is still a problem for a 16 year old, however it just isn't as big as  a problem as it is for an adult. But I'm not on about my issues with debt or how I have to pay bills as luckily I don't have to do that yet, but what I am on about is not being able to save money. ever. 

I work two jobs so not having my own money isn't a problem, but the problem is making my money last one month with out blowing it in the first 2 days of receiving my pay. When my pay day is coming I always look in my bank to see if I've been paid early and if I haven't I will go on to online shops and add clothes, beauty items, stuff to decorate my bedroom, stationary etc, to my baskets ready for when I get paid so i can buy it!

The worst thing is I know I should be keeping at least some of my wages back as I may meet up with friends, go for a meal, or just in case I need to buy something quickly; so, because I know I should be saving I make up excuses and reasons in my head to why I should buy the items for example the other day I was on paperchase looking for a scrapbook which I needed, however while I was looking I saw a pencil case that was in the sale so I thought 'Oh, this is a desk pencil case and my desk doesn't have a pencil case so I should probably get it'  I do this all the time, another time i had a party coming up so i was looking for a skirt and I ended up buying two skirts, two pairs of shoes and top and my reason was 'What if I have another party that I didn't know about and it was really late notice, so I should probably get something else as well' 

It isn't good, I turn 17 in December and am wanting to buy a car so I set up a  'SAVE FOR A CAR PLAN' that was supposed to kick start with my June Wage packets, but obviously that didn't work so I have told myself that all is fine and I can start this month. WHY IS SAVING MONEY SO HARD? 

Some people only save money, like their parents won't allow them to spend their own money even if they are working they have to save it. And if they need money then their parents will give it to them from their working money not their child's. Although this is good because when they are older they will have a nice lump of money sat in their bank I also believe this is bad. How will they learn to save and manage money if they have never had to do it before? Although I moan that I spend money I think its a good learning curve. I'm learning that I need to budget things, save things back for emergencies and spend a little this way when I'm older and have a full time job with bills to pay, I will have a small idea of what it is like to save, and sort out where my money goes.

So maybe being crap at saving isn't to bad, after all I'm only 16 and I should be spending money. I AM YOUNG. I shouldn't be worrying about my future money problems I might be facing. I should be taking advantage of the fact I'm luck I have a job and 12 weeks of doing nothing to spend my money on. 

Thank you

George, who is feeling young, free and skint. But a good skint.

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